Crested bird-of-paradise

Crested bird-of-paradise
Cnemophilus macgregorii

(Photo from Astronomy to Zoology)

Common name:
crested bird-of-paradise (en); ave-do-paraíso-de-poupa (pt); cnémophile huppé (fr); ave-del-paraíso crestada (es); furchenparadiesvogel (de)

Order Passeriformes
Family Paradisaeidae

This species is endemic to the mountain of New Guinea, being found from the easternmost mountains of Indonesia to the mountains east of Port Moresby in south-eastern Papua-New Guinea.

These birds are 24 cm long and weigh 80-120 g.

The crested bird-of-paradise in upper mountain and sub-alpine tropical forests, as well as along forest edges and in nearby scrublands. They also use secondary and disturbed forests. This species occurs at altitudes of 2.600-3.500 m.

They are strictly frugivorous, mainly taking simple drupes or berries that are swallowed whole.

Crested birds-of-paradise breed in August-January. They are polygynous with males displaying to attract females and having no further part in the reproduction process after mating. The female builds the nest alone, a globular structure made of sticks, green mosses and green fern fronds, and lined with green-yellow epiphytic orchid stems. The nest is placed on a decayed tree stump, or within the branches of a tree, 2-4 m above the ground. There she lays a single egg which she incubates alone for about 3 weeks. The chicks are raised by the female alone and fledge about 5 weeks after hatching.

Conservation:IUCN status – LC (Least Concern)
This species has a relatively large breeding range. Its secretive habits limit meaningful assessment of abundance, but the crested bird-of-paradise is reported to be common wherever researchers have mist-netted in its habitat.

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